At the conclusion of each Regional, every team will be given a qualification for the National Tournament. A team will receive either a AAA, AA, or A seeding, and must play at that level at Nationals. If a team is given a choice seed, then the team is given the right to choose which division they will play in, but must follow the roster regulations for the division in which they have chosen. If a team receives a qualification at a regional, they are more than welcome to play up (i.e. team receives AA qualification, but chooses to play AAA at Nationals)
In the case that a team receives multiple qualifications at the regional level during the season due to playing at multiple regionals, then that team can choose their level of play at the National event, as long as they play with the roster that they qualified with, and still must abide by ALL player regulations within that qualification level.
If a team qualifies AAA, in their own age division, they are more than welcome to play in the next highest age division at one lower competition level, without qualification. (i.e. Team D qualifies AAA in 16U, they may play 18U AA without regional qualification)
Players will fall under whatever qualification their team is given. (i.e. Player A plays on Team B. Team B receives a AAA qualification. Player A is now a AAA player) If a player has not played in any TORHS Hockey regional, that player is automatically considered a AAA player.
Teams at the AAA level are NOT restricted to any number of roster additions
Teams at the AA level are restricted to three (3) roster additions, but those players must be AA-qualified players. Those players that qualified on a AAA team, or have not played in a TORHS Hockey regional ARE NOT eligible to play on a AA-level team at Nationals.
Teams at the A level are restricted to two (2) roster additions, but those players must be A-qualified players. Those players that qualified on a AAA or AA team, or have not played in a TORHS Hockey regional ARE NOT eligible to play on a A-level team at Nationals.
In a situation where a player is qualified as a skater in a particular division, that said player is permitted to play up in the same age division as a goaltender only (i.e. 14u AA skater permitted to play 14u AAA goalie).
If any player decides to make a lateral move from their original team to another team, that player must receive a written release form from a team official associated with his original team. This release must be included with the new team’s registration. If their original team is not playing at the TORHS Hockey National, no release is needed.
In the case of extreme and/or emergency situations, players can be qualified at the discretion of TORHS Hockey officials.
In the case where a team from outside North America registers, that team will be permitted to register in their skill level, and the skill level up(i.e. A 10u A team will also be permitted to register in 10u AA). This request must be made formally to our office, and we will review and approve it accordingly. Should you have any questions, please get in touch with our office. This only pertains to teams traveling from outside of North America.
For all Adult Divisions, players must be 18 years of age in the same year the event takes place (i.e. In 2023, you must be a 2005 birth year or older) in order to be eligible to play at Nationals. At Regional Qualifying events, we allow players who are born in the 18u birth year to play on teams competing in an Adult division.
For all Pro Divisions, players must be 16 years of age on the day of the game in order to play at Nationals.
Adult Teams DO NOT need to qualify to play at Nationals.
No player can be rostered on more than one Adult team unless he is a goalie on one team and a skater on the other. Players must choose whether to play in one of the Adult divisions: A, AA, AAA
No AAA player may play in Adult A.
No Pro player may play on any Adult team, with the exception of a Goalie, and that Goalie will only be permitted on a AAA Adult team. Goalies from the AA and A level may ONLY be listed as a backup to play in emergency situations.