Adult Ironman Tournament

CCSA Ironman Tournament - Winter Classic 
Rules (Click Here)

Printable Flyer (Click Here) 


Date: Sunday, November 10th - Games may start on Saturday (November 9th), depending on the amount of teams registered.

Registration Deadline: October 10th

* All players must register individually.
* Players may play in multiple divisions.

Must be 18 years or older to play unless approved by CCSA Management.

Team information:
3v3 Tournament
Roster consists of (4) players, plus (1) goalie. 3 players and a goalie minimum; Recommended 4 players per team.
*Upper tier TEAM cannot register or play down divisions (as a team).
GOALIES: If a team does not have a goalie, we will seek to provide a goalie for you, or available goalies will rotate to sub for team.
5th player is optional for those teams interested, but not required. 

Team Fee: 
If a team wants to only bring in 3 players with no subs, a Team Pay option is available: Price: $545

* Each team is guaranteed 5 games.

Food will be available for purchase at our snack bar.

*No Refunds

Register Here