Cal Poly Hockey Tryouts - Register Now!

by Tobin Flamm

Register Here

We will have our two day tryouts the first weekend of fall quarter.  Typically, we hold our first tryout as a fundamental tryout, which will allow us to analyze fundamental skills of each player.  

IMPORTANT: Just because a player was on a team the previous year does not guarantee a spot on the team.

2024-2025 Hockey Tryouts


Saturday, September 28th
& Sunday, September 29th


11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (Both Days)
Please arrive at 10:30 to fill out paperwork.

Carpools will be organized by team leadership by indicating need on RSVP above

$10/ Player

What to Bring:
- Full Hockey Equipment (described below)
- Black & White Jersey (NOT Grey)

PLEASE plan on arriving by 10:30 a.m. so there is plenty of time for paperwork, collecting money, and getting dressed. The cost to tryout will be $10 per player.

Make sure you bring both a white (NOT a Grey) and a dark jersey for scrimmaging. REMEMBER: We are in very competitive leagues and we are trying to pick the best players that give our teams the best chance to win.

Let us know if you're going to need a ride and we will work on making sure everyone gets down there. If you need equipment, please contact me (info provided below) and we will try and assist you in any way we can. For the tryouts, you are required to wear skates, helmet, gloves, shin guards, athletic cup, stick, and elbow pads. If not, there is a hockey store located here in San Luis Obispo. You can find it online at

Keep in mind that we are going to have a lot of players out there at one time and things might be hectic so please work with me and the other team captains as best as you can. Although this might be a stressful experience, try to have some fun out there.

I look forward to seeing you all out there!


Tryout Questions or Concerns: Apollo Oase